"Allyship demands more than neutrality"
Ben Werdmuller hits the nail on the head about why neutrality isn't enough:
As builders, users, and advocates of open systems, we must demand transparency, accountability, and ethical commitments from all contributors to open protocols. Without these safeguards, we risk creating tools that enable oppression rather than resisting it. Allyship demands more than neutrality — it demands action.
This regarding failures like Meta's recent changes to content moderation. I couldn't agree more: neutrality is usually a fig leaf for something uglier, and true allyship requires active support.
Short-term compromises for technical or business gains may seem pragmatic but risk undermining the ethics that underpin open and decentralized systems.
Too right. In open source communities, we need leaders with strongly-held convictions who won't collaborate, betraying users in exchange for greater adoption in Silicon Valley.