Will Hopkins

Links and essays

Services I run

When I wanted to start blogging again, I decided to also self-host. I don't fully self-host (at my home) everything—this blog, for instance, is on PikaPods. In general, if I want it to be publicly accessible or used by anyone other than me, I don't want it running on my home network. What I do host at home runs on either my Synology NAS, Home Assistant Green, or a Beelink headless mini PC running Ubuntu Server.


Home servers

Stuff I could host but don't

  • Email: If you run your own email server, stop. Get some help. I use Migadu as my email host.
  • Newsblur: I could self-host Newsblur, but the hosted service is both high-quality and inexpensive, and I want to support the developers. I love my feed reader.

Stuff I tried hosting but stopped

Nothing wrong with these, but I found that either I wasn't using them or they didn't meet my needs.

  • Readeck
  • Joplin

Stuff I want to try hosting

  • Linkwarden: I like Linkding a lot, and its simplicity feels like home. It's very similar to Pinboard, which I used for years until I learned about Maciej's political leanings. That said, Linkwarden promises better archiving.
  • Joplin: I stopped hosting it because I didn't have the time to mess with the config, but I would like to stop hosting my notes in Obsidian.