Smell ya later, Instagram
Last Monday I deleted my Instagram account after more than a decade. I feel lighter, happier, and safer. It's like one long exhale.
It's a shame, really. I gained so many friends through Instagram. It's how I first really engaged with photography, saw myself as a photographer. I wouldn't be the artist I am today without it.
But you have to know when to leave. Instagram has become a cesspool of ads already, ones I can't block with NextDNS, and influencers peddling the latest affiliate codes. With Zuckerberg's cowardly and self-serving swing further to the right to accommodate his orange master, I just couldn't do it anymore.
I've been sharing photos here, on Mastodon, and recently on Pixelfed. I might create a Flickr account, since I see a few folks reactivating those accounts. I am hoping to start mailing out prints, too, instead of posting to Instagram. My basement darkroom is a work in progress (specifically the plumbing) but it's functional enough to print!
In the coming days, I hope to highlight here some of the incredible folks I met on Instagram. Just because I've left the platform doesn't mean I have to leave the people.