This is not about Ursula Franklin
With apologies to Erin Kissane.
This is not about Franklin, who I have barely begun to read and understand. It is rather about the longevity of her ideas, filtered through Erin's writing, and percolating in my own mind.
Regarding Franklin's understanding of justice and its application in technology, she was not a fast mover. She chose deliberate understanding, moving slow and not breaking things.
I want to do. I struggle to sit down and read essays like Erin's because it requires me to sit, to think, and to focus. I begin to notice and feel my own slowness, and react against it like I'm drowning. I fear.
While finally making the time to face my own fear, pause, and read, I realized that that is the work I must engage in most urgently now. I am afraid of Trump and his mission to dismantle the American bureaucracy, flawed as it may be, and I want to stop him. I cannot, alone. I must read and reflect, and find the right movements to make instead of flailing.